Emotional Intelligence

Emotions : the basic part of human behaviour . how these emotions work and how we can mould them accordingly ?There are few places where we can find all necessary elements regarding our requirements. This book is one of them which apprises us about emotional intelligence and its applications. It teaches us to deliver our emotions in the right way .

● The basic concepts of self awareness
● Emotions vs rational approaches
● How to get control on emotions ?
● Emotions are cover to your secrets , use them wisely
● The building of strategies on the pillar of emotions

Writer's Status
Carla Clark is an expert in psychology who gave new dimensions to this field in a modern way. She is a professional writer of psychology , explores the different ideas to tackle the mentally terms through writing. She wrote valuable blogs on relation emotions and other psychiatric issues which prove her as a dominant figure in the field of literature as well . Her motivational writings influenced the readers to figure out their psychiatric problems .

Read for Free : https://bit.ly/3hFYWgC

Amazon Link : https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08GC5ZXBS



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